A gripping and heartfelt tale of a young boy’s love for, and sense of responsibility towards, his island home in the Sunderbands of West Bengal and the wildlife that shares it with him. Universal concerns of conservation, equal education, and economic inequality are seamlessly intertwined with the narrative of Neel’s daily life and his adventure with a tiger cub. (Grades 3-6).
Mitali Perkins
You Bring the Distant Near
Perkins scoops up readers, traveling across oceans and through time to meet Ranee, Tara, Sonia, Anna, and Chantal as they create new lives in London, New York City, and Ridgeford, New Jersey. Learn what all three generations gain from each other, all in their own voices! (Grades 9-12)
Forward Me Back to You
Robin, Kat and Gracie travel to Kolkata, India with their church group to help girls who have been rescued from trafficking, but find that they are the ones whose lives are changed. (Grades 9 and up)